As many of you know we presented at the MDB Bright Lights Conference, May 10-13 in San Francisco. We were very impressed with MDB's organization of the conference and the quality of the speakers. The conference revolved around Intellectual Property(IP). The speakers were experts in various aspects of IP such as: patent protection, patent infringement, commercializing IP, valuing IP, licensing your patents, strategic partnerships.
In attendance at the conference were hedge fund managers, mutual fund managers, individual investors, and investment bankers. I do not have an exact number but there were around 300 registered attendees. Each of the Bright Lights companies was assigned a 30 minute time slot to present, each company was also assigned a room, where after the presentation a more thorough conversation could take place. The company presentations were held throughout the day on Tuesday and Wednesday. I attended 4 of the presentations and there was on average about 10 people in attendance at the presentations. Also, during each day, companies had the opportunity to meet 1 on 1 with various people.
In the course of the 3 days, we met 1 0n 1 with 3 hedge funds managers, 2 mutual fund managers and 4 high net worth investors. We also had the opportunity to meet with another 6 companies that provided us insight into marketing, IP protection, patent infringement, IP expansion and patent valuation. As I stated earlier, we could not have been more pleased about quality of the people we were able to meet with.
Wednesday at 11:00 was our presentation, this was fortunate because no one followed us and we were able to stay in our room for the break out session. Bill Robinson gave the presentation. The presentation was an overview of ElectriPlast and some if it's applications. We did not get into anything very technical, the intention was to simply tell our story, if there were technical questions, we would have plenty of time to address those after the presentation. I would guess there were around 20 people in attendance, there were a few more that came in towards the end, so I am unsure of an exact number. At the beginning of the presentation each person was handed a small bag containing ElectriPlast pellets. The presentation lasted approximately 20 minutes. At the conclusion, Bill opened it up for questions. The Q&A lasted approximately 45 minutes. We were pleased that there was this much interest in the product. We also had sample parts and test plaques available for everyone to see. It was exciting for us to see people "light up" when they were able to actually see the material work. We brought along a multi-tester so those in attendance could test the conductivity of the material. We also had a light made out of ElectriPlast with the bulbs embedded in the material. The light drew quite a bit of attention as well. It is safe to say, everyone left the presentation intrigued with the possibilities of ElectriPlast.
The conference was a huge success for Integral. We were able to establish relationships that we believe will be valuable to the company now and into the future. Although this was not a stock promotion event, this will ultimately be a positive for our stock. We were well received by the investors and money managers we met with. Of course, there is a fair amount of due diligence these institutional type investors will conduct before making a substantial stock purchase. We are grateful that we had the opportunity to attend and tell our story and obtain valuable information from some of the greatest minds in the IP world. I want to be sure and thank MDB Capital and all of the sponsors for putting together such an informative event.